I can’t believe Nolan is already over 1 month old! He is growing so quickly. At his one month appointment he weighed in at 10 lbs 4 oz, 22 inches long and his head circumference was 15 inches. He is very healthy and most of the time very happy as well.
I know it is cliché, to say how amazing our baby is and to tell everyone how cute he is, but seriously he is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! It is truly amazing the amount of love that I feel towards my son. I feel like my heart has expanded and it feels so perfect.
Becoming a parent has been life changing for me. It feels so right, this is exactly where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing right now. I could not ask for a better partner in this adventure. I am falling more and more in love with Aaron everyday. Seeing him as a father is wonderful, it makes my heart swell. I knew being a parent was not something I could understand until it happened, but I am so happy that I don’t have to wait anymore.
Nolan is effortlessly amazing, I love listening to the sounds he makes when he sleeps, he sounds so happy and calm. I can’t wait till he smiles at us. I know his smile will be beautiful. I love his eyes they are the most interesting color of blue, they seem almost navy. I love that he snuggles and coos. Nolan is gaining control of his head, he exercises his neck muscles all the time. He likes to lay on Aaron’s chest and look up at Aaron’s face. He has started to track objects with is eyes. He also is starting to react to the environment around him, he yells out and kicks in enjoyment when looking at his books.He is a great baby, I feel so blessed to have him.
Nolan has experience many first in this first month of life. We had our first over night adventure to Sharon to attend the Peace Treaty in Medicine Lodge which included Nolan’s first parade. Aaron was playing in the Medicine Lodge High School Alumni band. The parade was a little different than the parades back in western Kansas. There were plenty of cowboys and Indians and lots of GUN FIRE! Which was not too kind to his little ears. We had to take him into the building for shelter when the guns came around.Nolan spent lots of time with Grandma Marilyn getting extra special snuggles. Nolan even got tough ol’ Grandpa Brian to play before we headed back to Wichita to celebrate Aaron’s birthday and our 1st anniversary.
In September Nolan also met his Great Grandma and Grandpa Poe. Although it was a quick meeting we were able to snap a couple of photos. Nolan attended his first wedding ceremony, he was very good, he didn’t cry at all. Grandma Debbie came to visit us during the state fair while Aaron was splitting his time between Wichita and Hutchinson. Nolan had lots of fun hanging out with Grandma. He has also attended a baby shower for his cousin to be born this month. Megan is due October 22 and we can’t wait to meet her little girl. Nolan needs a playmate. Nolan was snuggled by lots of ladies at the shower but none were more special than Grandma Great Ruth! Nolan is Grandma Ruth’s first great grandchild. She has waited many years for this and loves holding our little boy.