Cake at the surprise baby shower
11 days till our due date! I can’t believe it. It feels like it has gone so quickly, but yet these last few weeks time has started to slow down. I have started to slow down. I think our little guy is going to be a healthy weight. I feel like he is packing on the pounds. Thankfully I am still able to sleep almost all the way through the night and I do not yet feel like I am “waddling”. I have continued walking but my walks have gotten shorter as I find myself tired faster than before.
I was surprised on Monday at work with a baby shower by my coworkers. It was so sweet. I think Aaron and I have decided on a glider rocker, I plan to go order it after work today at Babies R Us. We are also still deciding on a crib. Otherwise I think most of the purchases that need to be made have been made and we will we ready to go when Nolan makes his grand entrance.
Showing off the 38 week bump
Today’s appointment went well. Some people have been telling me they think I have “dropped” I am not sure, I am experiencing more lower pressure, so maybe. Nolan’s heat rate was 142 beats/minute. He is still moving around a fair amount but not quite a wildly as before. The doctor said I have not made any progress towards labor, so it is just a waiting game now.
Being so close to the due date it is hard to wait, I am trying to stay focused and finish up all of the work I need to do before I go on maternity leave, but all I want to do is head to the hospital and meet my little guy. Someday soon, can’t wait to share pictures!